Results for 'Catarina André Hand'

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  1. Reformas e Políticas Educacionais: Algumas Considerações Sobre as diretrizes, Ações e Medidas Adotadas Pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo Durante os Anos 90.Catarina André Hand & Vicente de Paula Almeida Júnior - 2010 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 12 (1).
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    Unconditional Basic Income and State as an Employer of Last Resort: A Reply to Alan Thomas.Catarina Neves & Roberto Merrill - 2021 - Basic Income Studies 16 (2):169-190.
    In a larger context of an egalitarian project which aims to reformulate capitalism a job guarantee program in the form of a State as an Employer of Last Resort is considered superior to Unconditional Basic Income by many, namely Alan Thomas. This article claims that most of the arguments used to assert the superiority of SELR fail their objective, for the following reasons: first, SELR falls short in its reformulation of capitalism because neither SELR nor UBI alone can euthanize the (...)
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    O conceito de "cena" na obra de Jacques Rancière: A prática do "método da igualdade".André F. Voigt - 2019 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 60 (142):23-41.
    RESUMO O presente artigo pretende sistematizar os principais elementos do conceito de "cena", termo fundamental para a conexão entre teoria e método no pensamento do filósofo francês Jacques Rancière. O "método da igualdade" empregado por Rancière pretende, entre outras coisas, delimitar os diferentes momentos de conflito entre regimes de verdade e atos de tomada da palavra - independentemente de classificações feitas a priori como dados para se investigar um objeto de estudo - por meio do conceito de "literalidade", que demonstra (...)
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    Capsaicin and cybernetics: Mexican intellectual networks in the foundation of cybernetics.Andrés Burbano & Everardo Reyes - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (3):1013-1025.
    This paper offers some insights and clarifications of the paramount role that Mexico has had in the forging of first-order cybernetics. Our account starts with Arturo Rosenblueth as a key intellectual figure in the foundation and formation of the field. After revisiting a historical context of people and places, we proceed to a cultural and media archeological investigation that helps us obtain new insights into the ongoing effort to intertwine the complex intellectual networks across different countries in Latin America, North (...)
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    Terapia, Diagnóstico e Cura: o Problema do Tempo em Sêneca.André Alonso - 2020 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 14 (2):172-194.
    In this paper I argue that Seneca’s philosophy is a form of therapy and that one of its main concerns is the transformation of one’s life through time control. Aristotelian tradition lies in the idea that philosophy is, in its highest aspect, an abstract form of knowledge. Seneca, on the other hand, is an inheritor of a long tradition that takes philosophy as mind or soul therapy and bases its structure in a practical approach. Epicurus, for instance, goes as (...)
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    Berichten uit het feniksnest: eindtijd of wedergeboorte.André Klukhuhn - 2018 - Amsterdam: Boom uitgevers Amsterdam.
    De grote uitdagingen op politiek, economisch en vooral ecologisch gebied hebben geleid tot een teneur van apocalyptisch denken: het einde van de wereld en de mensheid zou nabij zijn. Dit ondergangsdenken is geen nieuw verschijnsel, door de geschiedenis heen is vaak verkondigd dat het met de wereld gedaan zou zijn. André Klukhuhn onderwerpt het cultuurpessimisme aan nader onderzoek en vraagt zich af wat wij kunnen leren van het apocalyptische denken in het verleden. Speciale aandacht heeft hij voor vier denkers die (...)
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    Liberté humaine et expérience de dieu dans la philosophie de Raymond Ruyer.André Conrad - 2007 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 80 (1):85.
    La thèse soutenue ici affirme que par la liberté humaine nous faisons l’expérience de Dieu autant que Dieu fait l’expérience de l’homme. Ce faisant, nous tentons d’exposer et d’examiner la réponse de Ruyer à une question classique de théologie rationnelle : comment concilier la liberté humaine et l’existence de Dieu ? Cette réponse montre que l’une n’est pas sans l’autre, la liberté requiert Dieu comme océan des possibles, et réciproquement, il est certains actes où Dieu touche notre existence, sans la (...)
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    De una amiga (En memoria de Yolanda Ruano).Andrés Trapiello - 2010 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 43:17-19.
    The purpose of this article is to explore the concept of Philosophy within the works written by Wittgenstein if we take into account the ambivalent sense of the term phármakon. Thus, it will be outlined a contest of paradoxes between, on the one hand, healthiness, sanity, and the adaptable confidence produced by western rationality materialized into objective science, and, on the other hand, sickness, insanity, the world of perplexities, and the realm of desire and death, essential to philosophical (...)
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    Legal Authority and the Dead Hand of the Past. Dworkin's Law's Empire and Plato's Laws on Legal Normativity.Andrés Rosler - 2022 - Ancient Philosophy Today 4 (Supplement):45-65.
    According to Ronald Dworkin's mature views on jurisprudence, legal normativity depends on judges’ views about political morality. Plato's own mature views on this subject seem to take the contrary position as he claims that the law is expected to be authoritative in order to preserve a given state of affairs. Therefore, in Plato's view judges are not expected to interpret the law ubiquitously according to their own standards of political morality. In what follows, the discussion starts off by offering a (...)
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  10. Remote atomic force microscopy of microscopic organisms: Technological innovations for hands‐on science with middle and high school students.M. G. Jones, T. Andre, D. Kubasko, A. Bokinsky, T. Tretter, A. Negishi, R. Taylor & R. Superfine - 2004 - Science Education 88 (1):55-71.
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    Kant on Acting from Juridical Duty.Andre Santos Campos - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (4):498-514.
    ABSTRACTA much debated passage in the Metaphysics of Morals often leads commentators to believe that it is not possible to act from juridical duty. On the one hand, Kant says that all lawgiving inc...
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    Catholic-Maya Sacrificial Commitments.Andrés Dapuez - 2022 - Critical Research on Religion 10 (3):313-330.
    In their annual festival in an eastern village of the Yucatan state, participants verbalized, discussed, and disputed two main understandings of Catholic commitment after a Catholic priest asked his parishioners to reconsider the effects of their ritual offerings. His teachings about compromiso signaled other ritualized practices, which compose the concept: promises and sacrifices. In direct contrast to the priest’s teachings, local ritualists understand that solemn promises and sacrificial exchange work, however, as encompassments of the notion of commitment. On the other (...)
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    Mathematical statistics and metastatistical analysis.Andrés Rivadulla - 1991 - Erkenntnis 34 (2):211 - 236.
    This paper deals with meta-statistical questions concerning frequentist statistics. In Sections 2 to 4 I analyse the dispute between Fisher and Neyman on the so called logic of statistical inference, a polemic that has been concomitant of the development of mathematical statistics. My conclusion is that, whenever mathematical statistics makes it possible to draw inferences, it only uses deductive reasoning. Therefore I reject Fisher's inductive approach to the statistical estimation theory and adhere to Neyman's deductive one. On the other (...), I assert that Neyman-Pearson's testing theory, as well as Fisher's tests of significance, properly belong to decision theory, not to logic, neither deductive nor inductive. I then also disagree with Costantini's view of Fisher's testing model as a theory of hypothetico-deductive inferences.In Section 5 I disapprove Hacking1's evidentialists criticisms of the Neyman-Pearson's theory of statistics (NPT), as well as Hacking2's interpretation of NPT as a theory of probable inference. In both cases Hacking misses the point. I conclude, by claiming that Mayo's conception of the Neyman-Pearson's testing theory, as a model of learning from experience, does not purport any advantages over Neyman's behavioristic model. (shrink)
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  14. O justo cívico em Ethica Nicomachea V.6.André Luiz Cruz Sousa - 2023 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 17 (2):90-133.
    The present study aims at understanding how Ethica Nicomachea V.6 relates to its preceding chapters, V.1-5. On the one hand, the interpreter wonders for what purpose Aristotle introduces a topic named ‘the civic just’ (to politikon dikaion) in V.6, since V.1-5 treats extensively of matters of justice in the city. On the other hand, the same text posits that there is a certain ‘just without qualification’ (to haplōs dikaion), which may or may not be the civic just itself; (...)
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    Caracteres da experiência.Andre Barata - 2001 - Phainomenon 2 (1):5-36.
    The discrimination between two points of view, or perspectives, in respect to consciousness, one on the first-person other on the third-person, deals with two concepts of consciousness- respectively, phenomenal consciousness and intentional consciousness (sections 1 and 2). I will accept, generally, this idea. However, I will argue that are not two, but three kinds of consciousness and typ of experience, making my point introducing the concept of different characters of experience (section 3). These characters are ‘experience’, ‘signification’ and ‘reference/object’, and (...)
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    Assimiliating an Associative Trait: from Eco-Physiology to Epigenetics.Andres Kurismaa - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (2):199-229.
    The possible evolutionary significance of epigenetic memory and codes is a key problem for extended evolutionary synthesis and biosemiotics. In this paper, some less known original works are reviewed which highlight theoretical parallels between current evolutionary epigenetics, on the one hand, and its predecessors in the eco-physiology of higher nervous activity, on the other. Recently, these areas have begun to converge, with first evidence now indicating the possibility of transgenerational epigenetic inheritance of conditional associations in the mammalian nervous system, (...)
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    Pobreza e educação.Andre Marcio Picanço Favacho & Geovana Mendonça Lunardi Mendes - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (72):1409-1444.
    Pobreza e educação: diálogos entre o passado e o presente, entre conformações e resistências docentes Resumo: Desde o século XIX, a pobreza tem sido objeto de governo em todos os âmbitos do Estado Brasileiro. No entanto, desde lá, a seu modo, a área educacional tem assumido fortemente essa tarefa para si, quer seja na política educacional ou na experiência docente. De fato, essa é uma questão importante, mas paradoxal. Por um lado, governam-se os pobres visando a sua liberdade; por outro, (...)
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    Spirit and Politics: Some Thoughts on Margaret Watkins’s The Philosophical Progress of Hume’s “Essays”.Andre C. Willis - 2023 - Hume Studies 48 (1):143-153.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Spirit and Politics: Some Thoughts on Margaret Watkins’s The Philosophical Progress of Hume’s “Essays”Andre C. Willis (bio)Margaret Watkins’s elegant text, The Philosophical Progress of Hume’s Essays (2019),1 is marked by a Humean approach: it fosters philosophical consideration of both the faculties of the mind and the affective features of experience in ways that bear on practical, moral issues. Ever-attentive to the meaning of Hume’s various nuances and strategic ambiguities, (...)
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  19. Non-empirical theoretical virtues and the argument from underdetermination.Andre Kukla - 1994 - Erkenntnis 41 (2):157 - 170.
    The antirealist argument from the underdetermination of theories by data relies on the premise that the empirical content of a theory is the only determinant of its belief-worthiness (premise NN). Several authors have claimed that the antirealist cannot endorse NN, on pain of internal inconsistency. I concede this point. Nevertheless, this refutation of the underdetermination argument fails because there are weaker substitutes for NN that will serve just as well as a premise to the argument. On the other hand, (...)
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    Humean Moral Motivation.Andres Luco - 2013 - In Bert Musschenga & Anton van Harskamp (eds.), What Makes Us Moral? On the capacities and conditions for being moral. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 131-150.
    Moral motivation refers to the psychological causes that motivate or explain moral action. Moral action refers to action that complies with the requirements of morality. In this essay, I lay out alternative views on moral motivation, giving particular attention the way each view conceives of the explanatory link between practical reasoning and moral conduct. In trying to understand this link, philosophers look to moral judgment. The main rival accounts of the relationship between practical reasoning, moral judgment, and moral motivation can (...)
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    El contra academicos de San Agustín: Un modelo retórico-dialéctico en busca de la sabiduría.Andrés Covarrubias Correa - 2020 - Universitas Philosophica 37 (75):101-121.
    There may be few works of philosophy that accurately integrate dialectical and rhetorical aspects such as Contra Academicos, to the point that it becomes difficult at times to separate these two discursive techniques. This, despite the tension that Augustine points out between, on the one hand, his impulse to move away from the vanity of the rhetoric he learned in his youth, and, on the other, its convenience in achieving the persuasion of his audience. Regarding rhetoric, there are two (...)
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    The Truth in Social Media.Andrés Bernstein & Antoni Gomila - forthcoming - Topoi:1-12.
    In the last chapter of In the beginning was the deed: realism and moralism in political argument, Williams raised the question of truthfulness in politics and warned that the media, particularly, television, and the market of communication in general, work in ways contrary to truthfulness -understood as the combination of the virtues of sincerity and accuracy. In this paper we would like to carry on Williams’ line of thinking in connection with the impact of the new social media platforms on (...)
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  23. Odi et Amo? Hobbes on the State of Nature.Andrés Rosler - 2011 - Hobbes Studies 24 (1):91-111.
    Very few—if any—will doubt Hobbes's aversion to the state of nature and sympathy for civil society. On the other hand, it is not quite news that it would be inaccurate to claim that Hobbes rejected the state of nature entirely. Indeed, he embraced or at the very least tolerated the state of nature at the international level in order to escape from the individual state of nature. Hobbes's recommended exchange of an individual state of nature for an international one (...)
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    Speculating about Diogenes of Apollonia.André Laks - 2008 - In Patricia Curd & Daniel W. Graham (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Presocratic Philosophy. Oxford University Press USA.
    This article takes up Diogenes again, investigating some of the reasons Diogenes has been unappreciated, and making a case for Diogenes' mind-based teleology as a significant philosophical contribution. The sophists, too, have suffered from the charge, which goes back to Plato, of not being “real” philosophers. Diogenes did not bother himself with, or was not interested in, showing in what sense the world is organized in the best possible manner; this looked to him as something that happened as a matter (...)
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    Studies in the Philosophy of David Hume (review). [REVIEW]André Louis Leroy - 1964 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 2 (2):269-269.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 269 severally through hearing, tasting, and smelling, so that we should have on our hands five spatially unrelated spaces. He can find no reason for abandoning the spontaneous commonsense conviction that the puffing I hear is that of the locomotive I am looking at, that the chocolate I am tasting is the one I have put in my mouth, that what I am smelling is the rose (...)
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    Platons Darlegung des Sokratischen ‚Umsonst‘ in den Dialogen der ersten Tetralogie.Andrés Quero-Sánchez - 2015 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 18 (1):1-47.
    The author interprets the dialogues belonging to Plato’s first Tetralogy, i. e. Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo, as a coherent whole, in which the concept of ‘gratuitousness’ plays the leading role. The expression ‘gratuitous’ does not mean here, however, ‘arbitrary’ or ‘as someone likes’ but rather ‘free’, ‘gratis’, ‘for nothing’. Based on such an interpretation the author discusses then the important similarities existing between – on the one hand – Plato’s metaphysics of ‘gratuitousness’ and – on the other (...) – Meister Eckhart’s ‘mystics’ and Schelling’s Philosophy of Identity. These three thinkers are all interested in the world as it is not merely for us or for something else – that is not in the world as it merely appears to someone under particular given conditions –, but in the world as it is in itself. However, this distinction between ‘appearances’ and ‘things-in-themselves’ is not to be thought as an epistemological but rather as an ethical or existential one, which is not related to the way how we ‘can know’ the world but rather to the way how we ‘should live’ in it. (shrink)
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  27. Wittgenstein on Mathematical Identities.André Porto - 2012 - Disputatio 4 (34):755-805.
    This paper offers a new interpretation for Wittgenstein`s treatment of mathematical identities. As it is widely known, Wittgenstein`s mature philosophy of mathematics includes a general rejection of abstract objects. On the other hand, the traditional interpretation of mathematical identities involves precisely the idea of a single abstract object – usually a number –named by both sides of an equation.
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    New avenues of farm corporatization in the prairie grains sector: farm family entrepreneurs and the case of One Earth Farms.André Magnan - 2012 - Agriculture and Human Values 29 (2):161-175.
    This paper addresses longstanding debates around changing patterns of farm ownership and structure on the North American plains. Over the last 150 years, the agrifood system has been transformed by a process of capitalist penetration through which non-farm capital has appropriated key links in the ‘food chain’. Today, large, often transnational corporations dominate in the provision of farm inputs, as well as in food processing, distribution, and retailing. The paradox for food system scholars has been that primary food production (i.e., (...)
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    El papel de la filosofía de la educación en la formación inicial docente: tensiones entre el discurso y la Praxis.Andrés Santa-María, Claudio Tapia Figueroa & Lorena Zuchel - 2020 - Trans/Form/Ação 43 (2):19-38.
    Resumen En este artículo se examina el papel de la enseñanza de la filosofía de la educación en la formación inicial docente, tomando como punto de partida la tensión que es posible notar entre, por un lado, el discurso de la mayoría de las facultades encargadas de preparar profesores, que rescatan la necesidad de formar docentes críticos y reflexivos, y, por otro lado, la praxis de la formación docente que parece tener un acento marcadamente técnico. Ante este escenario, se argumenta (...)
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    Social Support and Substance Use as Moderators of the Relationship Between Depressive Symptoms and Suicidal Ideation in Adolescents.Andrés Rubio, Juan Carlos Oyanedel, Fernanda Cancino, Luna Benavente, Cristián Céspedes, Camila Zisis & Dario Páez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Literature reports that depressive symptoms may precede suicidal ideation. Several studies have identified social support and substance use as moderators of this relationship. However, no study has evaluated these variables together by testing how substance use can affect the moderating effect of social support in this relationship. The purpose of this article is to individually evaluate dimensions of social support (friends, family, significant others, and school) and substance use (alcohol, marijuana, and other illicit drugs), as moderators of the relationship between (...)
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  31. The prediction of future behavior: The empty promises of expert clinical and actuarial testimony.Andrés Páez - 2016 - Teoria Jurídica Contemporânea 1 (1):75-101.
    Testimony about the future dangerousness of a person has become a central staple of many judicial processes. In settings such as bail, sentencing, and parole decisions, in rulings about the civil confinement of the mentally ill, and in custody decisions in a context of domestic violence, the assessment of a person’s propensity towards physical or sexual violence is regarded as a deciding factor. These assessments can be based on two forms of expert testimony: actuarial or clinical. The purpose of this (...)
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    Histoire critique et doxographie. Pour une histoire de l'historiographie de la philosophie.André Laks - 1999 - Les Etudes Philosophiques:465-477.
    Le développement conjoint, au cours du XVIIIe siècle, de la méthode historico-critique et du perspectivisme est à l'origine d'une tension nouvelle dans le traitement de l'histoire de la philosophie. L'article analyse brièvement quelques réactions, plus ou moins radicales, à cette configuration féconde. Zeller, Dilthey, Yorck, Nietzsche, Weber, Heidegger, Rorty, sont les principaux témoins. Il est aussi suggéré que la « doxographie », en dépit de la réputation détestable dont elle jouit, aussi bien chez les historiens que chez les philosophes, demeure (...)
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    O conceito de práxis e a crítica da ética normativa segundo Gyorgy Lukács.Andre Goes Cressoni - 2011 - Filosofia E Educação 3 (1):p - 194.
    Buscamos aqui revisitar a leitura de Gyorgy Lukács em História e Consciência de Classe sobre a questão da ação humana. Tendo a história como ponto culminante onde se resolve a relação sujeito-objeto, Lukács propõe uma epistemologia dialética em que o sujeito interfere no conteúdo do real. A problemática central consiste em teorizar a gênese, a geração do novo. A gênese tem sua determinação concreta na contradição da luta de classes. Isso resultará num novo conceito de sujeito. O indivíduo, isoladamente, é (...)
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    Theological and Philosophical underpinnings of Developmentalism.Andrés Francisco Dapuez - 2017 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (48):79-95.
    Depending on the dissemination of discursive forms through linguistic practices as well as a particular change in our contemporary doxa, the development language of collective social improvement has been based upon a particular mode of ontological naturalism. In a renewed version of the ontological mode that Descola termed “naturalism”, international development has set social expectations in terms of a progressive future framed by violent ruptures, crises, perils and a threat actual of human annihilation. This paper investigates how this developmental enterprise (...)
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    Motivated reasoning in the prediction of sports outcomes and the belief in the “hot hand”.João P. N. Braga, André Mata, Mário B. Ferreira & Steven J. Sherman - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1571-1580.
    The present paper explores the role of motivation to observe a certain outcome in people’s predictions, causal attributions, and beliefs about a streak of binary outcomes. In two studies we found that positive streaks lead participants to predict the streak’s continuation, but negative streaks lead to predictions of its end. More importantly, these wishful predictions are supported by strategic attributions and beliefs about how and why a streak might unfold. Results suggest that the effect of motivation on predictions is mediated (...)
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    Thoughts on the dynamics of foundations, or what I believe.André Mercier - 1971 - Foundations of Physics 1 (3):285-292.
    Unification of physical theories is an ambiguous idea. Gravitation is perhaps distinct from “other” interactions. Arguments for a unification can be found, either from an analysis of the nature of time, or from the canonicity of most formalisms used in physics. Space-time continuum requires a physics of fields, but not necessarily of quantized fields. Various notions of space as used in physics show that these spaces—including Newtonian space—are never real spaces, but inventions of the mind not only useful, but necessary (...)
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    ¿La indeterminación Del monarca? Motivos para Una revisión de Los principios de la fiLosofía Del derecho de Hegel.Andrés Felipe Hurtado Blandón - 2020 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 33:138-169.
    RESUMEN En el marco de la pregunta por la actualidad del pensamiento político de Hegel ha surgido en las últimas décadas una renovada vertiente interpretativa que defiende la tesis de la indeterminación del monarca como un elemento necesario en los Principios de la filosofía del derecho. Esta tesis consiste, por un lado, en que el monarca, aun como soberano, cumple una función meramente protocolar dentro de la Constitución; y por otro lado, afirma que, en esa medida, su particularidad o su (...)
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  38. Rational choice, social identity, and beliefs about oneself.Fernando Aguiar & Andrés de Francisco - 2009 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 39 (4):547-571.
    Social identity poses one of the most important challenges to rational choice theory, but rational choice theorists do not hold a common position regarding identity. On one hand, externalist rational choice ignores the concept of identity or reduces it to revealed preferences. On the other hand, internalist rational choice considers identity as a key concept in explaining social action because it permits expressive motivations to be included in the models. However, internalist theorists tend to reduce identity to desire—the (...)
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    Mental Conflict: Descartes.André Gombay - 1979 - Philosophy 54 (210):485 - 500.
    In a famous text Descartes has written this:Whenever the thought of God's supreme power occurs to me, I cannot help feeling that he might easily, if he so wished, make me go wrong even in what I think I see most clearly with my mind's eye. On the other hand, whenever I turn to the matters themselves which I think I perceive very clearly, I am so convinced by them that I burst out: ‘let who will deceive me, he (...)
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    The mind-body dualism in Descartes and its implications in the contemporary scientific debate.André Campos da Rocha & T. C. Barreira - 2022 - Revista Coletânea 21 (42).
    One of Descartes’ greatest contributions to modern thought lies in his dualistic conception of mind and body. While the physical body in Descartes assumes a passive role in the ontological structure of reality, subject to mechanistic laws, the mind in Descartes, on the other hand, assumes an active role, as an organizing axis and producer of values and ideas, exercising a rational dominion over reality. physical reality. This dualistic Cartesian conception would generate important effects on the problem of mind-body (...)
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    Feel Your Reach: An EEG-Based Framework to Continuously Detect Goal-Directed Movements and Error Processing to Gate Kinesthetic Feedback Informed Artificial Arm Control.Gernot R. Müller-Putz, Reinmar J. Kobler, Joana Pereira, Catarina Lopes-Dias, Lea Hehenberger, Valeria Mondini, Víctor Martínez-Cagigal, Nitikorn Srisrisawang, Hannah Pulferer, Luka Batistić & Andreea I. Sburlea - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Establishing the basic knowledge, methodology, and technology for a framework for the continuous decoding of hand/arm movement intention was the aim of the ERC-funded project “Feel Your Reach”. In this work, we review the studies and methods we performed and implemented in the last 6 years, which build the basis for enabling severely paralyzed people to non-invasively control a robotic arm in real-time from electroencephalogram. In detail, we investigated goal-directed movement detection, decoding of executed and attempted movement trajectories, grasping (...)
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  42. Breve histórico sobre a concentraçâo de terras no brasil.André Souza dos Santos - 2015 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 5 (13):43-65.
    The role of this article is to present a historical analysis of how the expropriation occurred and concentration of land in Brazil it has been since the arrival of the colonists to the present day. Evaluate how this event influenced, as a rule, expulsion and enslavement of indigenous peoples in their own lands, the enslavement of black Africans, in the Brazilian rural exodus, the swelling of the cities in recent decades; hunger in the field, the shortage of food commodities in (...)
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    The determinacy of computation.André Curtis-Trudel - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-28.
    A skeptical worry known as ‘the indeterminacy of computation’ animates much recent philosophical reflection on the computational identity of physical systems. On the one hand, computational explanation seems to require that physical computing systems fall under a single, unique computational description at a time. On the other, if a physical system falls under any computational description, it seems to fall under many simultaneously. Absent some principled reason to take just one of these descriptions in particular as relevant for computational (...)
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    Relationship Between Self-Concept, Self-Efficacy, and Subjective Well-Being of Native and Migrant Adolescents.Cristian Céspedes, Andrés Rubio, Ferran Viñas, Sara Malo Cerrato, Eliseo Lara-Órdenes & Javier Ríos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In the last decade, the migrant population in Chile has substantially increased, where the rates have not only increased in the adult population, but also among children and adolescents, creating a potential for social and cultural development in the educational system. The present work analyzes the relationship between self-concept, self-efficacy, and subjective well-being in native and migrant adolescents in Santiago de Chile. The sample consisted of 406 students, 56.65% women, with an age range that fluctuated between 12 and 16 years, (...)
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    When the Carnival Turns Bitter: Preliminary Reflections upon the Abject Hero.Michael André Bernstein - 1983 - Critical Inquiry 10 (2):283-305.
    For Bakhtin the “gradual narrowing down” of the carnival’s regenerative power is directly linked to its separation from “folk culture” and its ensuing domestication as “part of the family’s private life.” Nonetheless, Bakhtin’s faith in the inherent indestructibility of “the carnival spirit” compels him to find it preserved, even if in an interiorized and psychological form, in the post-Renaissance literary tradition, and he specifically names Diderot, along with Molière, Voltaire, and Swift, as authors who kept alive the subversive possibilities of (...)
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    (1 other version)Pénelas, Federico. Wittgenstein. Estudio preliminar y selección de textos. Buenos Aires: Galerna, 2020. 338 pp. [REVIEW]Andrés Crelier - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71 (178):206-215.
    Resumen En esta conversación, María del Rosario Acosta y Jean-Luc Nancy reflexionan sobre los distintos registros de la palabra "murmullo" y la relación que puede establecerse entre cada uno de ellos y la pregunta por la crítica política y de lo político en el pensamiento de Nancy. El aspecto sonoro del murmullo permite acercarse, por un lado, a una reflexión sobre la circulación del sentido en términos de resonancia. Conduce también a la pregunta por la singularidad de la experiencia de (...)
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    Acerca del término uJpovqesiç en el Adversus haereses de Ireneo de Lyon.Andrés Sáez Gutiérrez & Juan José Ayán Calvo - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (1):253-260.
    The focus is on the meaning of ὑπόϑεσις in Irenaeus of Lyons’ Adversus haereses. Our case is to argue that two different elements converge in ὑπόϑεσις or its translations in the Latin version of AH. The first stems from the Greek literary field, in which ὑπόϑεσις means the “subject” or “plot” of a dramatic or poetic composition. The second is related to the philosophical meaning of ὑπόϑεσις as “that which is placed under” or “foundation”. On the one hand, Irenaeus (...)
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  48. Akrasia et enkrateia dans les Mémorables de Xénophon.Louis-André Dorion - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (4):645-.
    This article aims to shed light on both the foundations and the consistency of the position regarding akrasia Xenophon attributes to Socrates in the Memorabilia. As does Plato's Socrates, Xenophon's Socrates maintains that akrasia is impossible in the presence of knowledge. On the other hand, he differs from the platonic Socrates by granting to enkrateia, instead of knowledge, the role of foundation for virtue. If enkrateia is the very condition for acquiring knowledge and virtue, consequently the responsibility for countering (...)
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    The study of freedom of expression in Islamic teachings with an emphasis on Nahj al-Balagha.Marlinda Irwanti, Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel, Tribhuwan Kumar, Iskandar Muda, Forqan Ali Hussein Al-Khafaji, Huda Takleef AlSalami & Aalaa Yaseen Hassan - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    Freedom of expression is one of the issues of concern to human societies in the contemporary world, because this issue is one of the most important basic rights of people in societies due to its special nature, and on the other hand, it is always in conflict with the authoritarian point of view. Islam accepts freedom of expression for everyone in the Islamic society, but it has specified limits and regulations for it. These restrictions and conditions, more than cumbersome (...)
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  50. Unsuccessful Remembering: A Challenge for the Relational View of Memory.André Sant’Anna - 2020 - Erkenntnis 87 (4):1539-1562.
    This paper explores the relationship between a prominent version of the relational view of memory and recent work on forms of unsuccessful remembering or memory errors. I argue that unsuccessful remembering poses an important challenge for the relational view. Unsuccessful remembering can be divided into two kinds: misremembering and confabulating. I discuss each of these cases in light of a recent relational account, according to which remembering is characterized by an experiential relation to past events, and I argue that experiential (...)
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